> TIzzANO <

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Miss u Daren..

februari 17th, 2009 by tizzano

You’re that little something that open my eyes every day
That little something that made all my pain go away

You’re the reason why I breathe in and out
That little something that takes away all my doubt

You’re the purpose in why I was put on this Earth
That little something that makes me feel what I’m worth

You’re the heart that keeps me alive beating in my chest
That little something that always makes me feel the best

You’re the air in my lungs, the blood in my veins
That little something that takes away my pain

The color of my life, the pen in my hand
That little something that lets me know I can

You’re my inspiration, encouragement, and belief
That little something that makes me sit with relief

You’re the laugh that comes out of my mouth
That little something that makes me want to jump and shout

You’re the smile that spreads across my face
That little something that makes my heart race

You’re the hope that I pray for when I open my eyes
That little something that gives me the sighs

You’re everything to me and much, much more
That little something that I can’t help but adore

You’re my love, my boyfriend, and my best friend
&& I know I will love you until the end

You’re all these things yet more than that
My heart is yours forever as a fact

You’re the one that I’ll love until the very end
The one that I call more than my best friend


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